Commentaar over de Bank of Japan door Claire Huang (Emerging Markets Macro Strategist)

20 september 2024

“De nationale CPI voor augustus kwam hoger uit dan verwacht. Vooruitkijkend geeft dit aan dat de kerninflatie (inflatie exclusief voedsel en energie) zich de rest van het jaar waarschijnlijk zal stabiliseren rond 2%, in plaats van te matigen. Een kerninflatie van 2%, samen met een positieve reële loongroei (loonstijging minus inflatie), verhoogt de kans dat de Bank of Japan de rente later dit jaar verhoogt, maar de bank zal waakzaam zijn voor eventuele onzekerheid in de markt voordat ze de rente verhoogt.” Claire Huang, Emerging Markets Macro Strategist (Amundi Investment Institute)

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Amundi, the leading European asset manager, ranking among the top 10 global players[1], offers its 100 million clients— retail, institutional and corporate—a complete range of savings and investment solutions in active and passive management, in traditional or real assets.  

With its six international investment hubs[2], financial and extra-financial research capabilities and long-standing commitment to responsible investment, Amundi is a key player in the asset management landscape. 

Amundi clients benefit from the expertise and advice of 4,800 employees in more than 35 countries. A subsidiary of the Crédit Agricole group and listed on the stock exchange, Amundi currently manages nearly €1.800 trillion of assets[3]. 

Amundi Real Assets brings together a complete range of capabilities in real estate, private debt, private equity and infrastructure. Drawing on decades of experience in private markets, Amundi facilitates access to real assets for institutional and retail investors. With nearly €60 billion in assets under management[4] invested in nearly 2,000 assets in 13 European countries, the business line is supported by 220 professionals in three main investment hubs in Paris, London and Milan. Find out more on

[1] Source: IPE “Top 500 Asset Managers” published in June 2021, based on assets under management as at 31/12/2020

[2] Boston, Dublin, London, Milan, Paris and Tokyo

[3] Amundi data as of 30/06/2021

[4] Amundi data as of 30/06/2021